Artira Lift
The Artira inclined platform wheelchair lift is a safe and reliable way to travel between floors for passengers in wheelchairs and those with limited mobility.
This wheelchair lift fits easily in to most stairways and does not require extensive renovation or special construction. A mains power connection is required at the upper landing. Beyond that, there is usually no other preparation required. Garaventa Lift installation technicians normally install Artira lifts in 3 or 4 days.
Artira Lift
The ideal solution for accessibility in tight spaces, or where floor space is very valuable
Garaventa Lift
Artira Lift
Garaventa inclined platform lifts are ADA approved as a means to provide public accessibility. The ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) recognize that inclined platform lifts provide a valuable access solution. They can be used as part of an accessible path of travel to enter and travel within a building. They are most often used in existing buildings or to access special use areas, such as stages, projection rooms, press boxes, bleachers and metro trains station platforms. Use of inclined platform lifts in new construction is restricted in some jurisdictions. Contact your local Garaventa Lift authorized representative for more information.
Artira Lift